
Do Braces Fix Overbites?

Posted on 04/01/2020
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Do Braces Fix Overbites?While some of us are born with the blessing of perfect teeth, most people will develop some form of orthodontic problem - also called a malocclusion - at some point in their lifetime. There are a wide range of different malocclusions, and different kinds of orthodontic treatment are best suited to certain types of orthodontic problem. One common malocclusion is overbite, which causes the front teeth to extend too far out in front of the lower teeth. At first glance, braces seem to mostly fix the alignment of the teeth within a single dental arch - so can they treat malocclusions? As your Johannesburg orthodontist, we at the office of Choonara Orthodontics want to shed some light on this question.

How Braces Correct Overbites

First things first, let's get the answer to this question out of the way: yes, braces can absolutely correct an overbite. The question makes sense, though: after all, overbite is usually a problem of the relationship between the upper and lower jaws. Braces use a metal archwire laid out across the teeth to correct alignment problems - but how can they correct the relationship of the jaws themselves?

The answer lies in braces' secret weapon: elastics. Elastics are small rubber bands used specifically for the purpose of adjusting jaw alignment. The elastics are attached to small hooks on the edge of brackets and used to link the upper braces to the lower braces. By attaching these rubber bands, we can create tension between the upper and lower jaw, which over time, changes the alignment. In order to correct an overbite, we would mount elastics forward in the mouth on the upper braces and farther back in the mouth on the lower teeth. This creates a pulling force that serves to gradually coax the lower jaw forward, and combined with repositioning the upper front teeth, allows us to use braces to correct an overbite.

Schedule a Consultation with Your Johannesburg Orthodontist

Braces are a convenient, effective option for treating overbite and virtually any orthodontic problem, and if you think you might benefit from treatment, we're here to help. Take the first step towards a healthy new smile: use our easy online form to request a consultation at our office today. We can't wait to hear from you, and no matter what orthodontic malocclusion you're dealing with, we're excited to help you achieve your dream smile!

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